Gemstone & Crystal

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Gemstone & Crystal consultancies

Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra. Violet energy are associated with mysticism and purification. They are used for…

Pink can be used to promote love, self-worth, order and protection from violence or aggression. Project pink energy around your home or office to…

Green is a colour of healing. Project green energy around your home or office to promote balance, change and growth. They help to relieve chronic fatigue…

Red energy activates the Basic Chakra. It can be used to strengthen the body, promote will power and courage, add vitality. Project red energy around…

Yellow energy help to promote the ability to express yourself. This energy is good for writers and public speakers to increase eloquence. The yellow energy…

White energy works on all level physical, mental and emotional. White energy has the ability to vibrate its energies at all colour frequencies. White has…

Blue energy promote peace and are used to calm ragged emotions. They offer inspiration and enhance the quality of communication. They help to…