When you let go of the unneeded stress

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

When you let go of the unneeded stress

When you let go of the unneeded stress

I find trying to live my life following these few steps helps me stay Happy and less stressed.

Be grateful for the beauty and uniqueness of life.
Flow into a rewarding and enjoyable task that is focused and peaceful.
Always try to keep a smile on my face.
Embrace my mistakes, they hold valuable lessons.
Look on the bright side, change happens often.
Surround myself with positive social support.
Say no to qualities/activities that do not improve me as a person.
Spend time taking in the beauty of nature.
Forgive and release anger and resentment towards people.
Try a variety of experiences to build personal growth.
I am worthy of self-love and self-acceptance.

~ Sara Bonnici

Sometimes you have to be at that place in life that you don’t want drama and you do want peace! ~ Peggy Stone