Don’t be afraid to start over

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Don’t be afraid to start over

Don't be afraid to start over

Every day is a new chance to make things better.

As I have passed through my 70 plus years of life I have found that I have truly not been afraid of going at or into something new and different. Something that I’ve never done or tried to do before.
Some of the things that I tried didn’t always work out or go the way that I had planned. However I learned early on not to think of these events as failures. The greatest lesson that I took away from the things that I’ve done that didn’t go the way I had hoped that they would was that. If I hadn’t atleast tried to do them, that would have been the failure. So my moral from the living of 70 plus years of life is never be afraid to try doing something new or different. The only true failure in life is in not trying. ~ Michael Kelly 

I am never afraid to start over. It could be better this time around. A fresh canvas goes a long way. To be reborn. Makes me happy I get to be creative with it this time. So go ahead, start over. I lost the last race, maybe I will when this one! My new job will be awesome. I love my new boyfriend. So never be afraid to start over at anything. Starting over, fun! ~ Crystal Wade

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living. It’s never too late to finally start living the life you really want. ~ Leeann Tinna 

Life is an adventure. If you want to do something get out there and do it, don’t be afraid. Best way to deal with a sad situation is to move in a new direction.

Sometimes it’s tougher than you think and other times it’s easy breezy. It’s the end result that’s rewarding. I can say, right on I did it even though it wasn’t easy. After all you never know what it will be like if you don’t try. Sometimes change needs to be modified as we go. Hurray for making it this far and it motivates you to push forward. Praise yourself to a good job well done. ~ Gloria Schilling 

Never be afraid of change because without change there would be no butterflies. None of us particularly like change always but without it we don’t grow. We stay in familiar places because they feel familiar even when they are not good. Until you change a situation you will never know what you are missing out on and you will not grow. ~ Beverly Nelson