Spend time with the right people

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Spend time with the right people

Spend time with the right people

Although when you realize you spent time with a wrong person, look for the lesson. At least you’ll learn a couple of things. ~ Toni Michelle 

Enjoying life by yourself is better than spending it with toxic people.

I would only want to use my precious time with those who truly love me. So anyone who wants to waste my time in a unkind way, leave my life now. Time is priceless! I only want the right people in my life. While I only have a short time on this planet. I just want to use it wisely with the ones who truly mean everything to me. God bless those who are in my life truly for a true friendship. ~ Crystal Wade 

Removing yourself from the wrong people allows time and space for the right people to walk into your life.