Always be thankful to God for blessing us another morning

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Always be thankful to God for blessing us another morning

No matter how good or bad your life is

I am always thankful for my life. Each day after waking up and going to sleep I thank to God. ~ Sonali Hirulkar

Always be thankful to God for blessing us another morning. It’s good to start a day honoring God first before get busy.

I do positive affirmations every morning and night and as each positive event occurs in my life. ~ Raman Gee 

We all take life for granted and should truly be appreciating every breath we take.

Cherish each and every moment of life and make it the most creative so as to help others.

Life is good and no matter what is the situation, thank God for his blessings whether tangible or non tangible. God wants us to be happy and if we are patient we see miracles (blessings) everyday. ~ Ruthy Balagot