Sometimes you have to move on without certain people

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Sometimes you have to move on without certain people

Sometimes you have to move on without certain people

They will decide to stay on a path you just can’t share. Not because you don’t love them, but because they don’t love themselves enough to be healthy. ~ Fran Laakman 

People enter our lives for a season, a reason, or a lifetime. Most will be seasons or reasons. Very few will become lifetimes. The problem is when we mix up those “seasonal” or “reason” people with lifetime expectations. Many bad relationships and broken marriages have been created over this, and it just never works or brings us peace because we were only intended to know them for a season or a reason. To learn something from the experience (sometimes good or bad,) and then let them move on or move on ourselves. But the lifetime people, those are the ones (and we only get 2 or 3 in our whole life,) who will remain. So the key is. Let people go. The lifetime ones will always stay or yes, perhaps even find their way back to us if that is what’s meant to be. Everyone else however, they were never intended to do anything except pass thru our lives, provide us with a lesson or an experience, maybe help us thru a rough patch, and be on their way. Let them go! ~ Anne McDougle 

Sometimes we just have to leave some people alone, due to hidden truths or just bad influence, even when we love them. It’s so hard to do, but after some time we have to show them who did they lose and make them regret it.

People do certain things with certain mind set. They would claim big to love you too much but will never ever get out of their comfort zone to prove it to you. In fact, they will drag you down to their level and make you which you should never be and when after bearing too much you decide to make them understand the problem, they will abuse you in every way possible and when you decide to leave them, they will abuse you more, taunt you, blame you, threaten you, plead you to come back and make the same promises they made before, keep on telling you they will die without you but they are pretty much alive and healthy. That’s self destruction for them and if you still decide to stay there, that’s your addiction (to that person and abuse, both) and self destruction too. ~ Bushra Aman 

There comes a point in your life, when you realize: Who matters, Who never did, Who won’t anymore, and Who Always Will. So, don’t worry about people from your past, there is a reason why they didn’t make it to your future.