Everyone makes mistakes in life

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Everyone makes mistakes in life

Sometimes good people make bad choices

There is nothing that can not be overcome when you truly give it to the Lord. He will replace it with something so much better so trust him and listen when he says walk this way. ~ Glenda Ferrell 
We all have had reaction to things in life that pull out reactions to the events, but what we choose to keep or let go of is totally our choice. The healing does not start until we choose to let go. ~ Jeannie Shelley
People make mistakes. Everyone does! As long as you grow and learn from them. There is no excuse to make the same mistake twice. If it’s meant to be it will be meant to be. If not learn and apply that in your life. You have to love yourself. If you can’t love yourself how do you expect others to love you.
Just because someone did one or a couple bad things in the past doesn’t mean that’s who they are. You are not defined by your mistakes, you are who you are in the current moment. I wish people could be more forgiving and if you can’t forgive then you make the choice to let go. ~ Brenda Romdall