We only regret the relationships we were afraid to have

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

We only regret the relationships we were afraid to have

In the end, we only regret the relationships we were afraid to have

How do we know the right decision? When heart, mind and gut are all colliding. ~ Denise O’Halloran

Try and try and try until it becomes a part of you, giving up is not an option.

Do what we think is right, after all success or failure in the end is accepted without being sorry for we do and follow what we know is right and decide what we want. ~ Catalina Tolentino 

Regrets are items that you can’t change. Think about it. Maybe you still have the power to change those items. If not then you are wasting your time creating personal anxiety. The past is the past. Leave the bad things there. Live your life with no regrets! ~ Dennis Lunt