Move on from the people who keep ruining your happiness

Pranic Healing & Meditation Center

Move on from the people who keep ruining your happiness

Move on from the people who keep ruining your happiness

There comes a time in life where you find out who is for you and who is against you, through the life lessons in life, I have wasted so much energy, time, effort and even money trying to be a people pleaser and only got used and abused by people I thought were friends, but have come to realize through trial and error, that God never designed us to chase after relationships and the true ones will be obvious, it will take discernment to not fall into this trap, but I don’t want to waste anything anymore, life is too precious to waste on anything. ~ Becky Serna 

Self created obligation to a negative family member can be worth the effort. My mother was always overly critical of me but I knew she had her own issues and that she did love me. How you act and react to another can make a world of difference. Change the way you react when someone tries to “get a rise” out of you and you will see change almost immediately. My mom passed away last year and in her final weeks while I was caring for her, she looked at me and said, ” I’ve never given you enough credit for how capable you are.” That meant a great deal to me and I don’t regret the effort I put into my relationship with my mother. ~ Michelle Barclay 

You are responsible for your own happiness. You cannot put the blame on someone else for the decisions you make to get you to where you are. You choose if you will be happy by the decisions you make.